Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I've made it through 2 out of the 3 this year.
Which means 2 of my kids made it another year without me killing them or selling them on EBay!

D turned 8 on July 31st.
It was a bittersweet sad day.
A day that made me realize how much being a mommy can suck sometimes.
To sum it up ... nobody came to his party. :(
I cried for like 2 hours. I took it way harder than he did. I still get teary when I think about it. It sucks!
D took it like a champ. He got to go to Build-A-Bear and all was forgotten.

C turned 2 yesterday (8.10).
My sweet little monster is no longer a baby.
She is 2 :(
Where did the time go?!
My last baby. The last 2nd birthday we'll ever celebrate. My sweet sweet tiny little girl whom we were told would possibly be a dwarf while I was pregnant with her. (she's normal by the way, just super tiny for her age)

Clinton is happy. He says "think about all we'll get to do as they grow up! we can go places and not have to bring strollers or diaper bags and we can all have fun instead of you sitting with the girls while D and I go on rides or whatnot".

I see his point.
I still don't like it.
I miss my babies.
He's a douche.

A turns 4 in November (9th).
I'm not ok with this.
This was my baby whom it took nearly 3yrs to get pregnant with.
She is supposed to stay little and cute forever.

Although she was a pretty ugly baby.

Like really ugly.
The kind of ugly only a mother could love.
And she was uber fat too...which was cute. I love fat babies. But she bordered on obese.

But now she is gorgeous and proportionate, so it all works out!

My loves at the zoo (where they belong) 8.9.10