Monday, January 25, 2010

Hmmmm. Yep.

I think I just heard a gun shot.

I could be wrong.

My hearing is kind of foggy due to my head cold from hell.
I should probably take something. But I'm a gluten for punishment and chose to not take meds unless I absolutly need to.

I'm hard core ya'll!

Not much going on here in terms of my oh-so-thrilling life.
Working out, gaining weight, cleaning, changing diapers.
SUPER FUN! Be jealous bitches!

Bad news this past week.
My uncle Bill was put in the hospital. He has lung cancer. They are not sure what stage it is,but he will have a biopsy today to determine that, along with what kind of lung cancer.
Friday & Saturday he went into surgery (yes 2 surgeries) to disolve blood clots that went from his neck to his elbow. The doctors were rockstars and got them all and put stints in.
Uncle Bill is a major Colts fan so I think its pretty stellar that they won yesterday and are going to the SB!

Other bad news.
A friend from high school, Daniel Angus, serving in the US Marines was killed in Afganistan this past week. I'm so sad over this. He was a good friend, always made me laugh. If it wasnt for him, I probably would have done better in biology. But he made it fun. He made me laugh and the classes bearable. I have not seen him since before graduation in 1999. My heart goes out to his family and I thank him and the 5 others who died with him for their service to this country.

On to happier news.
I like playing fetch with my 17 month old daughter. Is that wrong?
She enjoys it. She gets exercise. It entertains me. And I don't have to leave the couch.
Win/Win I say!

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