Monday, May 24, 2010

No computer! No bueno!

So yeah, all of my computers, decided to take a shit and die this year.

Laptop #1 ... mother board is died back in February and it wasn't even 2yrs old yet.

Laptop #2 ... I got pissed at my husband and threw it on the ground ... screen shattered. It wasn't pretty. Had it for exactly 1 year. Oopsee!!

Desktop ... just decided to stop working a few weeks ago. Not sure why. It can possibly be saved, just gotta take it to the Geek Squad and justify paying them $100+ an hour.

So we pulled our old old old school desktop out of the closet.
Blew the dust off and hoped for the best.
The sonofabitch actually works! We got it back in 2002 when our son was just 3 weeks old! It works!
It's slow as hell, worse than dial-up (google that if you are under the age of 20), but it works!
I can't play Facebook games on here, but I can browse my boards and Facebook/Twitter/ know, the important things in life.

It's like some cosmic bitch slap for all the times I was a dick online to other people I guess.

Well played karma, well played.